"History is not there for us to love or hate, but for us to learn from and seek to not repeat its mistakes." --Allen West
"God loves our Blessed Mother Mary, and He loves to see her loved."
-- Fr "Rocky" in "Pray the Memorare"
On falling asleep during adoration / holy hour: just as a father gazes on a sleeping child, God will look lovingly on one who falls asleep in His presence. - (from relevant radio)
“The Lord is resting on the pillow of my heart.... I need not wake Him, but ask that He awaken me... that my tempest may be calmed.” - July 4th homily, Fr Juniper.
"God never surprises me, but He always amazes me." - Mother Olga
"Every day, I thank Jesus that I am His, and I want to thank him for all eternity. I have never seen anything so beautiful as Jesus in the Eucharist."
- Sr Kelai Reno, Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother
“Sin's disappearance has led to a disappearance of forgiveness. And this has led to the disappearance of a God who is turned toward man."
- Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
“Our world no longer hears God because it is constantly speaking, at a devastating speed and volume, in order to say nothing.”
—Cardinal Sarah